Stamp issues related to ICAO : Introduction


Philately and history are intimately linked. Behind each stamp is a story that can often be linked to a country, an organization or an era. Thus, it is under the sign of history that the stamps issued within the ICAO framework are presented in this section.


The topical collection of ICAO-related stamps crosses aviation and United Nations themes and consists of a limited number of items from approximately 100 different countries or organizations (i.e., the United Nations); it includes any stamp, souvenir sheet and cover relating to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), whether the ICAO logo or the Organization’s full name or its acronym can be found on them, or an implied relation to ICAO (such as an airplane within the UN family’s framework) is noticed. Countries usually issued such stamps to commemorate ICAO meetings or anniversaries, anniversaries of the United Nations or its Agencies. Moreover, ICAO topical collection also covers forerunners of ICAO, referring to stamps related to intergovernmental meetings or bodies dealing with international civil aviation prior to the birth of ICAO in 1944.


This chapter provides an entry for the 182 issues related to ICAO, released by a total of 108 countries or organizations, sorted by country/organization name. Other chapters in the menu of The Postal History of ICAO present the issues in chronological order.

Click on one of the following letters to look up a given group of countries; the arrow-up sign next to each letter provides a return to the top of this page for easy navigation.

A B C D E G H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V Y Z



Afghanistan - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Anguilla - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Antigua and Barbuda - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Antigua and Barbuda - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of the United Nations



Argentina - 1995 - 50th Anniversary of the United Nations



Azerbaijan - 2019 - 75th Anniversary of the ICAO


Bangladesh - 2023 - 50th Anniversary of Admission to ICAO



Barbuda - 1979 - 30th Anniversary of ICAO



Barbuda - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Barbuda - 1986 - 40th Anniversary of the United Nations



Belgium - 1958 - Brussels World's Fair - United Nations Issue



Belize - 1979 - 100th Anniversary of Sir Rowland Hill Death



Benin - 2019 - 75th Anniversary of ICAO



Bhutan - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of the United Nations



Bolivia - 1979 - 75th Anniversary of Civil Aviation



Bolivia - 1995 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Bolivia - 2007 - International Civil Aviation Day



Bophuthatswana - 1978 - 75th Anniversary of Aviation



Botswana - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Botswana - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Brazil - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Brunei - 1986 - Admission to International Organizations



Bulgaria - 1980 - 25th Anniversary of United Nations Membership



Bulgaria - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Burundi - 1977 - 25th Anniversary of United Nations Postal Administration


Caicos Islands - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Cameroon - 1967 - 20th Anniversary of ICAO



Cameroon - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Canada - 1955 - 10th Anniversary of ICAO



Canada - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Cape Verde - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Comoros - 1976 - 25th Anniversary of United Nations Postal Administration



Comoros - 1977 - First Commercial Flight Paris - New York of Concorde



Comoros - 1978 - 30th Anniversary of ICAO



Costa Rica - 1961 - United Nations Day



Cuba - 1928 - Sixth Pan-American Conference



Cuba - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Cyprus - 1978 - Anniversaries and Events



Cyprus - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Cyprus - 2019 - Anniversaries and Events


Dominica - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Dominican Republic - 1956 - 3rd Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Conference


Egypt - 1946 - First Middle East Regional Air Navigation Meeting



Egypt - 1978 - 75th Anniversary of Aviation



Egypt - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Egypt - 2019 - 75th Anniversary of ICAO



El Salvador - 2017 - Beginnings of Aviation in El Salvador



Equatorial Guinea - 1975 - 30th Anniversary of the United Nations



Eswatini (previously Swaziland) - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Ethiopia - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO


Gabon - 1967 - 20th Anniversary of ICAO



Gabon - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Ghana - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Ghana - 2006 - Surcharge of ICAO 50th Anniversary Stamps



Grenada - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Grenada Grenadines - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Guatemala - 1987 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Guinea Bissau - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Guyana - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Guyana - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Guyana - 1986 - Surcharged Stamps


Honduras - 1987 - 25th Anniversary of COCESNA



Hungary - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO


Iceland - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Indonesia - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Indonesia - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Iraq - 2014 - 70th Anniversary of ICAO



Isle of Man - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Israel - 1995 - International Civil Aviation Day



Italy - 1952 - Diplomatic Conference on International Air Law


Japan - 1957 - Admission to the United Nations



Jersey - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Jordan - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO


Kenya - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Korea (Republic of) - 1962 - 10th Anniversary of Admission to ICAO



Korea (Republic of) - 1971 - The World of United Nations Organizations



Korea (Republic of) - 1977 - 25th Anniversary of Admission to ICAO



Korea (Republic of) - 2022 - 70th Anniversary of Admission to ICAO



Korea (DPR of) - 1980 - 75th Birth Anniversary of Dag Hammarskjöld



Korea (DPR of) - 1997 - 20th Anniversary of Admission to ICAO



Korea (DPR of) - 2017 - 40th Anniversary of Admission to ICAO



Kuwait - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Kuwait - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Kuwait - 1999 - International Civil Aviation Day



Kyrgyzstan - 2019 - 75th Anniversary of ICAO


Lesotho - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of the United Nations



Lesotho - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Liberia - 1954 - United Nations Technical Assistance Program



Liberia - 1958 - 10th Anniversary of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights



Libya - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Libya - 1995 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO


Madagascar - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Maldives - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Maldives - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Mali - 1975 - 30th Anniversary of United Nations Charter



Malta - 1994 - Aviation



Mauritius - 1994 - Anniversaries and Events



Mauritius - 2019 - 75th Anniversary of ICAO



Mexico - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Mexico - 2016 - Roberto Kobeh González - 50 years at the service of aviation



Mexico - 2017 - 60th Anniversary of the NACC Regional Office



Mongolia - 2021 - 60th Anniversary of Admission to the United Nations



Monaco - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Morocco - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Mozambique - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO


Nauru - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Nauru - 1995 - 50th Anniversary of the United Nations



Nepal - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Netherlands Antilles - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Nigeria - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO


Oman - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Oman - 2023 - 50th Anniversary of Adherence to the Chicago Convention


Paraguay - 1978 - 50th anniversary of de Pinedo’s Western Tour



Paraguay - 1979 - History of Aviation



Paraguay - 1979 - 100th Anniversary of Sir Rowland Hill death



Paraguay - 1979 - 100th Anniversary of Sir Rowland Hill Death



Paraguay - 1980 - 100th Anniversary of Sir Rowland Hill death



Paraguay - 2017 - 15th Meeting of Civil Aviation Authorities of the SAM Region (RACC/15)



Paraguay - 2018 - Tribute to the Dirección Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil (DINAC)



Peru - 1937 - Inter‑American Technical Conference on Aviation



Peru - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Peru - 2019 - 70th Anniversary of the SAM Regional Office



Philippines - 1994 - Anniversaries and Events ‑ United Nations Day



Philippines - 2009 - 65th Anniversary of ICAO



Philippines - 2019 - 75th Anniversary of ICAO


Qatar - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Qatar - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO


Romania - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Romania - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Romania - 2000 - Means of transport - Surcharges



Romania - 2010 - 65th Anniversary of ICAO



Russia - 1927 - First International Air Post Congress


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Sao Tome and Principe - 1979 - 30th Anniversary of First Airmail Flight St. Thomas-Lisbon



Sao Tome and Principe - 1979 - History of Aviation



Sierra Leone - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Singapore - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Slovakia - 2019 - 75th Anniversary of ICAO



Somalia - 1977 - 30th Anniversary of ICAO



Somalia - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Sri Lanka - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Staffa - Scotland (United Kingdom) - 1976 - United Nations



Sudan - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Suriname - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Swaziland (now Eswatini) - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Switzerland - 1994 - Special Stamps



Syria - 1977 - 30th Anniversary of ICAO



Syria - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Syria - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO


Tanzania - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Thailand - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Togo - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Trieste A - 1952 - Diplomatic Conference on International Air Law



Trinidad and Tobago - 1970 - 25th anniversary of the United Nations



Tunisia - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Tunisia - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Turkey - 1950 - Second Middle East Regional Air Navigation Meeting



Turkey - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Turkey - 2014 - 70th Anniversary of ICAO



Turks and Caicos Islands - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO


Uganda - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Uganda - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



United Arab Emirates - 2014 - History of Civil Aviation in the Emirate of Dubai



United Nations - 1955 - 10th Anniversary of ICAO



United Nations - 1977 - World Intellectual Property Organization



United Nations - 1978 - ICAO Safety in the Air (Souvenir card)



United Nations - 1978 - ICAO Safety in the Air (Stamps)



United Nations - 1990 - 45th Anniversary of the United Nations



United Nations - 1995 - 50th Anniversary of the United Nations



Uruguay - 1977 - 30th Anniversary of ICAO



Uruguay - 1978 - 30th Anniversary of ICAO



Uruguay - 1979 - Anniversaries and Events



Uruguay - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Uruguay - 1994 - 17th Winter Olympics and 85th Anniversary of H. Erni



Uruguay - 1995 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



USA - 1928 - International Conference on Civil Aeronautics


Vanuatu - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Viet Nam - 1994 - 50th Anniversary of ICAO



Viet Nam - 2016 - 60 Years of Civil Aviation


Yemen - 1979 - 30th Anniversary of ICAO



Yemen - 1985 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO


Zambia - 1984 - 40th Anniversary of ICAO



Zambia - 1991 - Surcharged Stamps

