Turkey : Second Middle East Regional Air Navigation Meeting


Issue date: 17/10/1950



17th century bird‑flight of Hezârfen Ahmet Çelebi (see footnote *).



Biplane over Taurus mountains.


Airport entry and Douglas DC‑3 over Istanbul.






Missing blue print.


Freak: misperforation - Imperforate vertically between pair.

Sheets of 25 stamps.





Freak: Misperforation - Imperforate vertically between stamp and sheet-margin.


Freak: Misperforation. Bisected vertically.


Freak: Misperforation - Imperforate vertically between stamp and sheet-margin.


Freak: Misperforation – Double perforation pair.


Freak: Misperforation - Imperforate vertically between pair.


Set of three stamps. Freak: Ink smears and misperforation; no vertical perforations.


Freak: misperforation. Missing perforations on the right-side (straight edge).


Freak: misperforation - Imperforate horizontally between pair.




Imperf Pairs.



Blocks of four stamps with first day postmark.


First day cover. The aircraft looks like an Avro Anson T20 3.



First day cancel on ICAO service cover.


First day cancel on ICAO service cover (recto and verso).



First day cancel on ICAO service covers.



First day cover.


Pin (recto and verso) offered to the Delegates attending the Regional Air Navigation Meeting.




Registered first day cover sent from Beyoğlu. Cancel date: 20 October 1950.

Beyoğlu is a municipality and district of Istanbul Province, Turkey. It is on the European side of Istanbul, separated from the old city (historic peninsula of Constantinople) by the Golden Horn. It was known as the region of Pera surrounding the ancient coastal town Galata which faced Constantinople across the Horn. Beyoğlu continued to be named Pera during the Middle Ages and, in western languages, into the early 20th century.


Invitation card to a reception at the Yildiz Palace. The text in Turkish reads:

17 Ekim 1950 Salı günü saat 15 de

Istanbul-Yıldızsarayı Şale Häşkünde


Milletlerarasi civil havacilik teşkılċti

Ikinsi orta şark hava seyrüsefer mıntıkavi


şeref vermeniz rica olunur.

is translated in English as follows:

On Tuesday 17 October 1950 at 15 o’clock

(At the) Istanbul-Yildizsara Palace


International Civil Aviation Organization

(On the occasion of the) Second Middle East Regional Air Navigation


Please do us the honor (of accepting this invitation).



First Day Cover – The flying man in Istanbul referring to Hezârfen Ahmed Çelebi.

Note that the aircraft and military ship (in black-blue) in the cachet of the following cover may have been overprinted after the issue of the cover. It refers to the North Atlantic Ocean Stations (NAOS) Agreement concluded in 1946 by ICAO by which wartime Atlantic Ocean weather ship stations would be retained at strategic points across the North Atlantic to cover constant meteorological information, navigational aids, search and rescue facilities for aviation and shipping. See more information of this Joint Support action at the following link: The North Atlantic Ocean Stations Agreement.


Background: It is to be noted that Turkey was actually the first country to print stamps to honor ICAO. The Second Middle East Regional Air Navigation (MERAN) Meeting was convened by ICAO at the Yildiz Palace, Istanbul, Turkey, from 17 October to 7 November 1950; Representatives of sixteen Member States, one non-Contracting State and four international organizations attended this Meeting.

On the stamps, the Turkish inscription Milletlerarasi Sivil Havacilik Kongresi means International Civil Aviation Congress.

It is to be noted that many freaks (i.e. varieties such as misperforations or missing perforations or ink smears) of these stamps can be found (see samples here-above).

The stamps of this issue could be ungummed.

More background information on this issue can be found by clicking on: 1950 : Istanbul Regional air navigation meeting, which also displays all the covers related to this issue.


(*) Hezârfen Ahmet Çelebi (1609-1640) is an Ottoman inventor considered one of the first legendary pioneers of aviation. According to a story recorded by the historian and chronicler Evliyâ Çelebi in the 17th century, Hezârfen Çelebi glided in 1638 with artificial wings from the top of the 183-foot tall Galata Tower in Istanbul and managed to fly over the Bosphorus, landing successfully on the Doğancılar Square in Üsküdar. Apparently, he was inspired by the studies of Leonardo da Vinci and with some corrections and balancing adjustments derived from studying the eagle in flight, finally gave shape to his wing apparatus, after nine experimental attempts.

This event created a great sensation; Sultan Murad IV was delighted and wanted to reward him, but the religious leaders and councilors of the palace made him change his mind. As with many others possessing great knowledge, Evliyâ Çelebi gave Ahmed Çelebi the title Hezârfen, meaning “a thousand sciences” (polymath).