Barbuda : 30th Anniversary of ICAO
Issue date: 24/05/1979
Passengers alighting from Barbuda Airways Boeing 747‑200 Jumbo-Jet (only the nose is shown); ICAO emblem. |
Two controllers working in an Air Traffic Control Centre, with the radar screen in the foreground; ICAO emblem. |
Douglas DC‑8, directed by ground crew‑man, on runway; ICAO emblem. |
Block Imperf and Ungummed Proof. |
Corner block, Cancelled to Order (CTO). |
This se-tenant block shows the three stamps of the issue and a label with a reduced design of the ICAO emblem, with the text International Civil Aviation Organization. |
Cross gutter sheet of 4 (block of 3 stamps plus label):
Full sheets of 25 stamps.
Stamps mounted on Rowland Hill Gesellschaft hingeless album sheet with explanatory notes - Geschichte der Luftfahrt. Error: the aircraft of the $1.25 stamp is identified as DC-9 (The DC-9 has two rear fuselage-mounted engines), whereas the picture shows a DC-8 with its four-engines.
Watercolour artworks and overlays by Gordon Drummond, on boards measuring circa 230 x 150 mm of the adopted designs for the ICAO anniversary set.
Imperf proofs on presentation cards. Format International presentation cards (3 items). Scarce. |
Imperforate composite proof of set of three and label on Format International presentation card. Scarce. |
First Day Cover. The cachet pictures a Boeing 747‑200 Jumbo-Jet. Error: This cover seems to commemorate the 30th anniversary of ICAO; the year 1949 does not correspond to any major reference date (such as 1944, 1945 or 1947) from which ICAO anniversaries could be counted. It should have more rightly commemorated the 35th anniversary (1944-1979). More background information on this cover can be found by clicking on: Philatelic Laxity - Barbuda Commemorates ICAO's 30th Anniversary.