Bulgaria : 40th Anniversary of ICAO
Issue date: 25/12/1984
Tupolev Tu-154M of Balkan Bulgarian Airlines; ICAO emblem. Registration number: LZ-BTH. |
Lower-left block of 4 stamps. |
Full sheet of 20 stamps. The beginning of the translated text at the bottom margin of this sheet reads as follows: Commemorative stamp 40 years of the International civil airline organization “ИКО“; it contains two errors: 1. Although the stamp designates correctly (in Bulgarian) the International Civil Aviation Organization, the margin uses the word airline (in singular form) instead of aviation. 2. The second error comes from the Cyrillic acronym of the Organization (which should be ИКАО). The letter A is missing in the acronym. The text after that refers to the price, the printing process and the related authorization.
Official First Day Cover.
Maximum Card; Tupolev Tu-154-B2 of Balkan Bulgarian Airlines, registered LZ-BTS in Bulgaria (front and back).
Maximum Card with ICAO cancel, showing the Ilyushin IL-18V (registered YR-IMA) of TAROM. The stamp was released on 18 August 1962 to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the airline TABSO (Transportno-aviacionno balgaro-savetsko obedinenie). The IL-18V turboprop airliner entered service in 1961. |