Azerbaijan - 75th Anniversary of ICAO
Issue date: 24/09/2019
Stamp showing the ICAO emblem and the embossed figure “75”.
Miniature sheet consisting of a postage stamp with the ICAO emblem and the embossed figure “75”. Stamp size: 37x52 mm. Sheet dimensions: 85x102 mm. The block depicts an airplane wing against a background of clouds; in the lower left corner, the text “ICAO 2019 / 75” is depicted and the text “YEARS OF CONNECTING THE WORLD” is printed in English and Azerbaijani. Particularity of this sheet: The wings of the emblem are used as the horizontal bars of the embossed 7 and 5 digits. This can also be noticed in the presentation folder shown here-after. Print run of 8,000 copies.
Official First Day Cover. The cachet shows the figure 75 surrounding the compressor fins of a jet engine. 700 pieces were issued. Note that the text (in the cancel and on the cover) in azərbaycan BIRINCI GÜN is translated in French by PREMIER JOUR.
Same as above with greenish cancel. |
De Luxe presentation folder related to this issue.
Background: Azermarka LLC operating under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies. issued the stamp and first day cover dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The sheet, designed by chief graphic designer Eyyubov Vugar, was printed in the city of Bobruisk, Belarus. Azerbaijan has been a member of ICAO since 9 October 1992. For the purpose of establishment of a rotational group for elections to the Council of ICAO, the representatives of aeronautical authorities of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine held meeting in Istanbul on 10 and 11 January 2013. As an outcome of the meeting, the Black Sea-Caspian Group (BSCG) was founded to enhance regional cooperation within ECAC and ICAO. During the 40th Session of the ICAO Assembly (held in Montréal from 24 September to 4 October 2019), the Director of the State Civil Aviation Agency under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan Arif Mammadov, Head of the Delegation, presented to the Secretary General the commemorative postage stamp issued by Azermarka LLC of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of ICAO.