The growth of ICAO
On 6 June 1945, the required 26 States, including each of the 20 States elected to the Council, had accepted the Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation. Thus, as per Article 1 - Section 1 of the latter Agreement, the Provisional Organization (PICAO) was born, within six months after the closing of the Chicago Convention.
On 5 March 1947, Spain was the 26th state to deposit, with the Government of the USA (which serves as the depositary of the Chicago Convention), its instrument of ratification to the Chicago Convention. Consequently, this Convention came into force on 4 April 1947 (i.e. 30 days later), among the states having thus ratified.
ICAO’s success is evidenced by the dynamic and sustained increases in the number of States adhering to its Convention on International Civil Aviation. The following table shows a summary of progress in terms of submitted instruments of ratification of this Convention.
However, two factors contributed largely to ICAO’s growth in terms of Member States:
Sudan became an independent state on 9 July 2011 and became the 191st
member of ICAO on 10 November 2011, 30 days after South Sudan’s notification of
adherence was received, on 11 October 2011.
became the 192nd Member State of the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) following its official adherence to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation (Chicago Convention). ICAO was advised of the
development by the Government of the United States of America. Tuvalu deposited
its notification of adherence to the Convention on 19 October 2017, and its
ICAO Member State status became effective thirty days after on 18 November
3 November 1978, the Commonwealth of Dominica was granted independence by the
United Kingdom. Dominica became
the 193rd Member State of ICAO following its official adherence to
the Convention on International Civil Aviation (the Chicago
Convention). Dominica deposited its notification of adherence to the
Convention on 14 March 2019, and its ICAO Member State status became effective
thirty days after on 13 April 2019. ICAO was advised of the development by the
Government of the United States of America, which serves as the depositary of
the Chicago Convention. ICAO Member States were advised separately of the
development via a State Letter. ICAO membership will be particularly important
for the development of Dominica’s tourism sector, as air transport and tourism
are major and highly synergistic economic sectors. This is illustrated by the
fact that, at the global level, 57 per cent of international tourists travel to
and from their destinations by air. The combined contribution to the world GDP
of these two sectors is in fact close to 14 per cent. Significant growth in air
services and tourism is forecast, which represents a particularly important
opportunity for island States like Dominica. Like the
other states in the Caribbean, Dominica will receive crucial support from
ICAO’s North American, Central American and Caribbean (NACC) Regional Office,
enabling it to thoroughly identify and benefit from the opportunities presented
by its ICAO membership, and participate fully in regional and global aviation
planning going forward.
In 1945, the air transport industry carried nine million passengers to the limited destinations available to it at that time. As of 2014, that number has grown to more than 3.3 billion passengers travelling on scheduled commercial international and domestic operations across a very extensive global network (up from 3.1B in 2013). These are astounding statistics and ICAO has proudly contributed to them with the development of a unified global community which now provides reliable and affordable air travel to citizens and business everywhere in the world.
As of April 2022, 193 countries are Members of ICAO. The only non-Contracting States are the Holy See and Liechtenstein.
Year |
Number of Contracting States |
May 1946 |
8 |
March 1947 |
26 |
May 1948 |
48 |
1949 |
56 |
1954 |
65 |
1957 |
70 |
1960 |
80 |
1962 |
93 |
1964 |
107 |
1967 |
116 |
1971 |
120 |
1975 |
132 |
1978 |
143 |
1982 |
150 |
1994 |
182 |
2008 |
190 |
2011 |
191 |
2017 |
192 |
2019 |
193 |
Several countries issued stamps to commemorate their admission to ICAO.
Republic of Korea - 11 December 1962 10th Anniversary of admission to ICAO First correct appearance of the ICAO first official emblem (adopted by the 10th Session of the Assembly, held in Caracas in June-July 1956).
Republic of Korea - 11 December 1977 - 25th Anniversary of admission to ICAO
Brunei - 30 April 1986Admission to International Organizations: WMO (26 December 1984) ITU (19 November 1984) UPU (15 January 1985) ICAO (3 January 1985) The four stamps are attached to opposite sides of a piece of gutter paper that depicts the National flag of Brunei.
Albania - 19 October 1990 - Admission to ICAO The cover shows Albania’s national flag, the world map, a French Aérospatiale Sud-Est SE 210 Caravelle aircraft, and a runway of flags of countries having main air corridors/routes linking Albania with the rest of the word.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea - 14 September 1997 20th Anniversary of admission to ICAO Three sheet-lets of two stamps and a central label.
Republic of KOREA – 11 December 2002 50th Anniversary of admission to ICAO – Multicolored aircraft trails
Republic of KOREA – 2022 - 70th Anniversary of admission to ICAO See more information about this souvenir sheet at the following link: Korea – 70th |