The 65th anniversary



7 December 2009

65th Anniversary of ICAO

In line with prior anniversary dates, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) celebrated its 65th anniversary on 7 December 2009.


In the News Release marking this event, ICAO noted the following: “From the outset, ICAO’s vision has been for international aviation to promote friendship and understanding among peoples of the word, as well as peace and prosperity based on a global air transport system that would be operated soundly and economically, with equality of opportunity for all. This vision gradually became reality through ICAO securing global cooperation and consensus among its Member States to build and maintain a robust regulatory framework, thereby bringing the enormous economic, social and cultural benefits of air transport to entire populations all over the word. At the same time, States ensured that aviation would develop in an environmentally sustainable manner, by agreeing on stringent engine emissions standards, effective operational measures and comprehensive environmental policies through the ICAO process; the time-honoured consensus-building approach of ICAO will play a major role in addressing one of the greatest challenges ever faced by the global community, i.e. climate change. After 65 years, ICAO remains the global forum where States have and will continue to come together, in cooperation with the industry and other stakeholders, to address any and all issues facing the international air transport sector.


Romania – 29 March 2010

This Vlaicu  No.I parasol-winged monoplane  (nicknamed La Folle Mouche or The Crazy Fly) was the first Romanian aeroplane to fly.

On 7 December 2009, the Philippines released one stamp and a souvenir sheet to commemorate the 65th anniversary. The stamp depicts the figure of Deadalus, whereas the souvenir sheet shows a larger version of the stamp design divided into 4 parts. This issue also commemorated the 2009 International Civil Aviation Day with its theme: “65 Years of empowering the global community through aviation”. The commemorative stamp is a collage of hundreds of stamps produced from some countries of the world and collected within the period 1952 to 2001. Arranged methodically, an image representing the winged mythological figure of Deadalus, a famous architect, inventor and master craftsman, appears. Deadalus’ successful flight has long stood as a symbol of safety, success and progress in flight. Considering that the morphed stamps come from a number of ICAO member States, the design conveys a universal language that speaks powerfully to us peace and flight. Friendship and understanding for the benefit of all mankind, through the safe and peaceful development of civil aviation, were the founding principles that ICAO set forth in the Preamble to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.


Romania commemorated the 65th anniversary of ICAO and the 2009 International Civil Aviation Day by issuing on 29 March 2010 philatelic material which is shown hereafter. It is interesting to note that the souvenir sheet with two stamps offers, through the window of an airplane, a view on a world above all clouds, where aviation would develop in an environmentally sustainable manner within a robust regulatory framework secured through global cooperation and consensus among ICAO’s Member States.


The cachet on the right-side of these covers highlights the global cooperation (in the form of a pyramid) between ICAO and the Philippines’s Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), and various bodies of the country and other organizations of the world. The background of the cover shows a large mosaic with the reproduction (in watermark) of various stamps of the world, including, for the upper cover, a frame recalling the purpose of the stamp issue.




Romania – 29 March 2010

65th Anniversary of ICAO and 2009 International Civil Aviation Day
